Rabu, 21 Januari 2015


Tetes beradu bebas
meninggalkan putih yang beranjak di hentar angin 
bergesek diwajah aspal
mengorek petrichor yang menguar

Datang dan pergi karena angin
sesuka memilih tempat menjatuh
gelap terang pun jalani

Bagai tekanan bila tak menyentuh merah
egois bila tak menyentuh hijau
Terserap dalam merah, bersembunyi
keluar bila memberi
Berayun di atas hijau, membantu

Tertadah dipinggiran tiris
terkumpul di telapak tangan
menjadi dicinta kala datang

Yang paling dinanti diantara dua
mengenang menjadi bagian hadirmu
mempersatu menjadi tujuan

Panggilan kepada suatu zat
yang berusaha kabur 
meninggalkan penghalang langit yang terus bersua
demi menapak bumi

Hujan !!

Suatu hujan 
pada 21.01.2015
16:44 pm

Senin, 19 Januari 2015


I love my eyes because I can see everything that beautifull in the world
I can see sunset
I can see ocean

I love my ear because I can hear all music in the world
I can hear the waves of the sea
I can hear the whispers of the wind

I love my hand because I can made everything hat I want
I can write
I can draw
I can made a craft

I love my legs, because I can walk down this world
I can set myself in the most beautiful corner of the earth

I love my skin, because I can feel the heat and cold
I can feel a touch my mother, my father, and my brother

I love heart and my feelings because I can still survive because of
I can feel a love

I love my mind because it creates a crazy idea in my life

I love my hair because it makes me more beautiful
I love my nose because it can breathe fresh air every morning

I love my mouth because it can enjoy all the fun in this earth
I can sing for "Jesus"

I love a words

I love myself because I was only one in this world
I love my life because the Lord always make it beautiful

I love myself, my life, and my style because it never makes people near me hated and forsaken me

-- oneday in 06-02-2014 --