Senin, 19 Januari 2015


I love my eyes because I can see everything that beautifull in the world
I can see sunset
I can see ocean

I love my ear because I can hear all music in the world
I can hear the waves of the sea
I can hear the whispers of the wind

I love my hand because I can made everything hat I want
I can write
I can draw
I can made a craft

I love my legs, because I can walk down this world
I can set myself in the most beautiful corner of the earth

I love my skin, because I can feel the heat and cold
I can feel a touch my mother, my father, and my brother

I love heart and my feelings because I can still survive because of
I can feel a love

I love my mind because it creates a crazy idea in my life

I love my hair because it makes me more beautiful
I love my nose because it can breathe fresh air every morning

I love my mouth because it can enjoy all the fun in this earth
I can sing for "Jesus"

I love a words

I love myself because I was only one in this world
I love my life because the Lord always make it beautiful

I love myself, my life, and my style because it never makes people near me hated and forsaken me

-- oneday in 06-02-2014 --

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